• Code: 0982654325862
  • Availability: In Stock
  • RM5.00
  • RM4.00

星座起源于四大文明古国之一 古巴比伦,古代古巴比伦人将天空分为许多区域,称为“星座”, 星座牌可以针对不同需求来做占扑,预测和提供建议。尤其在不知应采取何种行动的时候,它是一种非常好的提示路标,具有一定的心理暗示功能! 在轻松的探险旅程中静心祈祷默念,心无杂念,星座之神就会出现 为你指引方向!

The constellation is originated in one of the four ancient civilization, Babylon. The ancient Babylonians divided the sky into many regions, which is then known as constellation. Constellation cards can be used to do wrestling, and provide suggestions for different needs. It is a good way to solve our problem especially when we don't know what action to take. In this relaxing adventure, the god of constellation will appear to guide you to the right path!